Omit Omit - Medusa Truth

Now that I have touched the land
Worn but valiant at last
Lay my umbra at the gate
It can't follow anyway

Then veer off their path of lies
Hide in the cloak of night
For to bear the guise of none
Restful equilibrium

I will remember everything
Faded yet strong enough to read
All these letters of my life
Tell-tale marks of insight

The most early visions
Opaque renditions of religion
Washed over my nescience
The benediction - I still taste the incense

We were ones to be loved
But on what conditions

Having me trusting in none
But those who owned me

City walls
Shielded all from the storms
That would never reach us

Whom to kill
When there is only us and ideas

They claw with sullied hands
On false proving grounds
Shun the lesser man

Who will partake with them
In mock diligence
Through the trodden plains

Arrogance vile
Corrupted means of righteous life
Mannequins cry
For submission - for my heart to die

Wretched at spring
Failed beginning
When will it cause
Final downfall

Autumnal spree
Time to be free
If only for
Three lunations

Coveting grey
Romantic frills for drunken preys
Hounded, betrayed
By a mad God and their urge to sway

Owe no credo
Safe from ethos
Non serviam
I need no one

Draw the contours
Of my telos
Cross the welkin's
Silver linings

On amber winds soar my fancy and dreams
Known yet elusive their sheen
Graven in stone is decision and fear
Treating the crown of the king

Past draperies of discovery
Beauty and reason entwine
Poised as I halt at the questioning
What in my being am I

How to proceed from designed certainty
How to reveal what is wrong
God is anathema to the one who sees
I choose to behold alone

Learning the parsimony of spirit
Burning to ashes the greed I nursed
Turning all honesty left towards me
Journeying closer to my birth

I fled decades ago
For the barren snow
To weather, to know

Pain - no foe for a friend
No terse argument
A mere place to end

Now and forevermore
My tears will be salt
To the earth they hoard

See it crawl, wither
Serpents all slither then
Eating on them

It is me, waiting here
Ever near

Heaven scorns them
Venal, flawed saints
I am the thorn to their pride

And they scream
Kick and plead, bleeding
For signs of their God

Poison reigns
Good is feigned, scripted
Who did deceive who

Purpose gone
Virtue known by no one
Hell is done

An era falls
Chimera principles
Antediluvian codes

Fierce winter, black horizons
Frost knifing through the violence
Unsparing sinner riddance
Here among faithful minions

Mortal messenger of dire turmoil
Demonstrating with ease how they coil
Once divided as masters and servants
Then united in death's own insurgence

Learning the parsimony of spirit
Burning to ashes the greed I nursed
Turning all honesty left towards me
I am so near, I can feel worth

Steadfast is the candle
Through the arctic fields

Glowing ever brighter
Blanketing me tighter
With each tread I leave

Definition finer
As the flame climbs higher
With each mist I breach

Greets me
Deep within the shrine
Of a wearied mind

Frees me
From the measureless
Prison of the flesh

The most early visions
Opaque renditions of religion
Washed over my nescience
The benediction - I still taste the incense

We were ones to be loved
But on what conditions

Having me trusting in none
But those who owned me

City walls
Shielded all from the storms
That would never reach us

Whom to kill
When there is only us and ideas